Wappen LadieslandLadiesland's impressions

Three Paraggelias greet all their - male as well as female - guests.

'Schulausflug' Ins Gartengrabgelände zu Jerusalem ->  zur Sonder-HP

The tower of ....

Erwachsenere Töchter Israels auf Jerusalems Stufen -> zu Sonder-HP Jahaduth

... und sie werden (ihre) Waffen umschmiden zu ... (vgl. Jescha'jahu  - Jesaja)
Some Images by courtesy and copyright of El Al, NAI , Softkey International Inc. and United Artists.

Windjammer bei besserer See -> mehr über 'unsere' Damen-Crew

Carabineri at sea



Carabineri in the montains






in Arbeitjojo


jojoLady in ihrem Einsatz-Roadster






mehr über Moreland


Cobra cooperCobra Helikopter

For your eyes only!






We t.

 XWP??AH??in Arbeit


«All employees were attractive females, no bow-wows in the employ, and they insisted on a dress code: skirts and dresses only, no pants, no slacks, always stockings, no pantihoses or tights, no boots, no flats, nor the clean-scrubbed look. Also, of cause only the Countess herself and Lady So-and-so, the office manager were permitted to wear anything resembling a suit.»



some notes and remarksBücherwurm nähere Quellenangabe z.Z. nicht verfügbarLeserin

“Gentleman usher at arms, please:“ „Eurer Majestät, wir präsentieren nun unsere beste Komilitonin!“






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by Virta of Paraggelia and Olaf G. Jahreiss, with regret for hardly using the 'internet -language'. All images on these pages are (if not noted otherwise) mostly by a courtesy of Stardivision GmbH or our own. - Zuletzt geändert am 06.06.2006.